Dining in Ontario CA

Ontario California Restaurants
Page Status:
First Listed: 11/17/2009

Ontario California Restaurants

Dining in Ontario CA

This is your local source for Ontario California Restaurants, including reviews, recommendations etc. businesses, services, professionals. A local guide to Ontario restaurants. Learn more about the top local businesses and services based on reviews by customers.
Ontario California Restaurants

Rosa's Italian Restaurant
Page Status:
First Listed: 6/20/2009

Rosa's Italian Restaurant

Dining in Ontario CA

Rosa's Italian Restaurant in Ontario California is the area's finest dining experience. Rosa's has earned the reputation for the finest Italian cuisine served in elegant, intimate surroundings. Live piano music will accompany your evening dining while you enjoy exciting, authentic Italian entrees accompanied by wine from their excellent wine list. Rosa's features a full bar and their professional staff will cater to your every dining need. Please join them for lunch Monday through Friday and for dinner Monday through Saturday.
Rosa's Italian Restaurant

Page Status:
First Listed: 10/1/2012


Dining in Ontario CA

Spice up your food life with restaurants for romance, power lunches or entertainment. Whatever the category of restaurant you seek, whether Italian, Mexican, steak, seafood, casual, formal or banquet, you'll find it listed. This restaurant guide website provides menus, restaurant reviews and more. 800,000 restaurants are on Urbanspoon; book a table now.